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New Student Enrollment & Liability Waiver Form
Select a class to enroll:
If you have chosen one of the family package, please fill out below.  Otherwise skip this family members information section.
Do you have any physical limitations or health conditions that may be impacted by practicing Taiji (Tai Chi) activities?
Enrollment, Release and Waiver of Liability:

I, for myself or the above named dependent, hereby enroll in Taiji (Tai Chi) classes and/or workshops/seminars (collectively, the "Program") held at Amkor Karate Coatesville or other lcoation (“Location”) with instructor(s) from Tao'sTaiji Association or Tao's Taiji Academy ("Tao's Taiji").  


I understand that Program tuition rates may change at any time. I hereby certify that I am enrolling under my own free will and volition and that I accept the possibility of and assume full responsibility for any injury which I may sustain, regardless of the nature, extent, and result of that injury; and in consideration of the acceptance of my enrollment by Tao's Taiji, I hereby unconditionally release and forever discharge and hold harmless the Location, Tao's Taiji and Program representatives, agents, volunteers, instructors, students, and attendees from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, and causes of action for injuries, losses, or damages of any nature to me or my property and all costs associated therewith (including reasonable attorney's fees) that may arise at law or in equity as a result of or in connection with my enrollment and participation in Program classes, workshops, seminars, and other Program activities.


Unless I provide written objection within 1 week of the time when photos or videos were taken, I also consent that any photos or videos taken of me in connection with Program classes, seminars, or other activities may be used by Tao's Taiji, the Program and its representatives for publicity, promotion, and commerce in any media unconditionally and without restriction, and I waive all compensation in regards thereto.  


By signing, I attest that this document is intended to be a binding agreement, and that the courts of the Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising from or in connection with this agreement.

© 2023-2024 by Tao's Taiji Academy 

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