Tao's Taiji MindBody Classes are developed to help active individuals learn Taiji (Tai Chi) the right way to enhance mental and physical health, reduce stress, find their own inner peace, boost body's natural defense...
What is Taiji (Tai Chi)? Taiji is a meditation in motion based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Daoism (Taoism). It is one of the three Chinese internal martial arts. Taji is a system of mindful movement that improves mental & physical health. Learn more.
Taiji Beginner classes are/will be offered in Coatesville, Downingtown, Exton area of Pennsylvania. Learn more.
Up coming event: Free Taiji Seminar, Saturday June 3, 2023, Costeville, PA. Limited to 30 attendees. Learn more and RSVP.
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Tao's Taiji Association is a PA state nonprofit organization promoting public awareness on health benefits from practicing Taiji (Tai Chi). It offers free Taiji seminars for the general public, schools, corporates, groups, etc.
Request a free Taiji seminar (please provide your contact information, description of your group and goal):